Social Prescribing

What is social prescribing?

Many of life’s problems can make you feel unwell.

Social prescribing enables a GP, nurse or other healthcare professional to refer you to a specialist link worker to talk about the issues you’re facing and find the right services to support you.

The service helps you improve your health and wellbeing and to make positive life changes.

  • Housing, benefits, financial and advice
  • Employment, training and volunteering
  • Education and learning
  • Healthy lifestyle advice and physical activity
  • Arts, gardening, creative activities
  • Befriending, counselling and groups

The next steps

Just ask someone at your GP Practice to make a referral. This is quick and easy.  Or make a self-referral by contacting us directly using the details above.

Our Rapid Response social prescribing service is available to support urgent and crisis situations.